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Our range of brick grab trucks for sale are specialists in handling the rigorous demands of brick and block transportation tasks, ensuring efficiency and reliability on every job site. Ideal for construction professionals who require dependable, high-capacity vehicles, no matter your project size our range will have what you need to get the job done. Our brick grab trucks, with features such as hydraulic arms and reinforced chassis, ensure that even the heaviest loads are handled with ease. This makes them perfect for both urban developments and remote site operations.


Brick Grab Lorries

The applications of brick grabs are vast and varied, extending across numerous industries. From construction sites to landscaping projects, the ability to transport and manoeuvre large quantities of bricks efficiently is crucial.

Each of our brick grab lorries come equipped with hydraulic grabs, similar to the sorts of systems you would find on a hookloader truck. These grabbing mechanisms provide absolute precision when handling bricks, blocks and similar materials.

Available with either dropside or flatbed trailers also, the way you load and access these materials can be curated to your specific business needs.

Browse our stock range today to find a reliable brick and block logistics vehicle to optimise your operations, backed with an uncompromising guarantee of performance, durability and efficiency.